We are currently hanging our in the Toronto Air Canada lounge waiting for our flight back to Vancouver which has been delayed 2 hours by yet another snowstorm here. You can almost see the aircrafts at their gates in these whiteout conditions. Hard to believe 24 hours ago we were walking the streets of Buenos Aires sweating and cursing the 35C heat and super high humidity. We spent our last day wondering around and then went back to our favorite hotel in Buenos Aires (and I think our favorite in the world, so far), the Four Seasons, to have one more glamour lunch before our driver came to bring us to the airport. All the way to the airport Jess and I had on our headphone and blasted "Don't Cry for me Argentina" as we watched the city speed by us for the last time. I did want to cry for Argentina, truly. It is never easy coming home and reality.
We were on pins and needles, hoping to get the sleeper pods on the plane and we got them. Pretty amazing, I've got to say. I could hardly even look people in the eye as they walked past us into the economy section mumbling curse words under their breath. To make matters worse, they gave everyone in the business class section a glass of champagne before the rest of the plane boarded. Geez... here we all are with pillows behind our heads, feet up on the foot rest, glass of champagne in hand, and a magazine in the other. As passengers were settling they were playing "Cafe del Mar" lounge music. It was wonderful but I felt so guilty... until of course, they all left. Then it was bliss. Here are some pictures:

We pretty much slept the entire way. I watched 1/2 a movie, ate dinner, and then konked out until we were 1/2 an hour from Toronto (its an 11 hour flight and it felt like nothing, bliss!). (The preceding message also brought to you by the good people who make Halcion) With seats like that, it's not difficult to get a good night sleep. One more 5 hour flight and we're home. Hopefully the snow lets up a bit. Right now it's not looking very good.
Oh, and Happy New Year everyone!
Oh yuck that snow! As I am writing this I hope you are on your way, or better yet home.
Now, even I may consider getting excited about flying with those pods. Luxurious yes, but for 2 wonderful guys, you deserve it.
Let me know you have arrived home safely.
Happy New Year!
Those 'seats' rock.
Thank you for allowing me to have a vacation, if only in my mind. :)
Yah yah, see, now that my husband works for one of the top 10 airlines in the world....i can travel like that for next to nothing!! ha ha, and i have a lot of catching up to do, but i will see all those places you lads have seen, and also, we will have to plan a trip where rich and i an meet you guys there!!! pretty cool blog, i flew business class to hong kong, much better!!!!!!
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