Friday, August 1, 2008

So... Totally... Disgusting

We went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast this morning and Ryan ordered his usual... scrambled eggs with a side of bacon and a side of toast. Now, there is a very precise method to getting his breakfast ready. First, he toasts his bread which has to be dark. Next, he spoons his scrambled eggs onto the toast so that he pieces can absorb any extra moisture from the eggs (the eggs cannot be runny but they cannot be brown either). Next comes the cheese so that the eggs can melt it and of course... about 1/2 C. of ketchup.

Much to Ryan's horror, the restaurant did not have ketchup. I had to 'talk him down' when he started threatening to switch hotels. As soon as our tour was over this morning, what do you think we did? B-lined to a supermarket to buy ketchup. I'm not kidding. He's actually going to bring it to the restaurant tomorrow (I'll be the one with the huge hat, sunglasses, and scarf around my head). We tried finding Heinz but they didn't have any so he got the next best thing.

Hmmm... Maybe this afternoon we can look for a holster so that he doesn't have to leave it in the hotel. After all, there might be other restaurants that don't have it... and who can eat Polish sausage and perogies without ketchup (I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit)? I'm not even going to tell you about the bag of PAPRIKA chips I just had to watch him eat with... oh, I can't even bring myself to tell you.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear God, where did this ketchup obsession come from????

Emily said...

I'm dry heaving like a cat with a hairball. Ewwww.

Gucci Muse said...

The amazing thing to me is that I never knew McDonald's bottled it's ketchup/catsup, whatever. :)