Thursday, August 7, 2008

When in Rome... er... Berlin...

Chillin' with the locals last night, drinking beer at the Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe.


Patrick said...

Wow--those two weeks just FLEW by, eh? I'm sure that with the travel clothes getting a bit ripe, the hair getting a bit shaggy, and missing the comforts of your own's about time to head back. This travel blog was a fantastic idea, guys! Let's all go for schnitzel when you get back home...

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the last days - I am looking forward to talking in the live about this fab trip. Miss you. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Funny boys!

Why is I see no one else with an alcholic beverage in sight? Just you canucks! XO

HopSkipJump said...

Patrick: Hello darling, yup, every morning started with holding up some underwear and asking how it smells.

Mamma screech: Saw the Indian Hermes display today, unfortunately the big "B" in the store had no time for us once we asked for the price, if you have to ask you can't afford to shop here apparently.

Mother!: Uhm, like there were tonnes of people with is Germany after all.