Yesterday after we arrived, we were introduced to the guide that had been assigned to our room, Werner. If we were interested, he told us he could take us on a game drive. It was tempting to stay in the room and just relax the first day, you know, swim in our OWN pool but we opted to go. It was amazing. We met Werner at the reception desk and he asked us to get into the truck. Super annoying that the Circle of Life from the Lion King immediately got stuck in my head. Within about 10 minutes we were driving through the area and we were gobsmacked by how beautiful it was. We were suddenly reminded that we were a long way from home.
This reserve doesn't have big game but we were amazed by the animals we saw. There were a couple we didn't even know existed. It really was king of Lion King-ish... all of these different types of animals in groups, all together in one area. We first spotted some Bontebok and Sprinkbok. We knew of Springbok but Bontebok was something new.

We also saw Hartebeest and Ostrich. the Heartbeest were quite amazing, and very lively while we were there. They were running around like a pack of wild horses. Kind of neat seeing ostrich in the wild as well. Our guide told us that ostrich can be quite dangerous because of their stupidity. Their brains are smaller than their eyeballs and they have talon-like claws on their two toes so if they can't run away from you and feel threatened, they'll kick forward and try to gouge you.

There was also quite a few Cape Mountain Zebra though they were quite skittish and did not appreciate that we were there. We are quite luck to see them as there numbers were down to about 40 at one time though through breeding programs, they are now in numbers of about 2500.
As the sun went down, our guide stopped and asked whether or not we would like some sundowners. I'd never heard the term before this trip but I like it. Werner put down the back hatch and set up a full bar. My kind of game drive!
We also stopped many times on the way to look at different birds and bugs. All over the grounds of our hotel are Cape Weavers that weave round nests like these in the trees. Really neat.
Werner also showed us things we didn't really need to see. Reminding us that things like this live here is really not good for the psyche when walking to dinner while it's pitch black. Unsettling. Now Ryan also just about leaps out of his lounge chair every time a leaf lands on his arm or a bird lands on the awning above us. So nasty.

This morning, we got up and had breakfast in their open air restaurant. It's so brilliant being able to start the day this way.
We drove about 15 minutes away to some 2000 - 3000 year old cave paintings by bushmen that used to inhabit the area. The red is the only colour that has survived, made from blood, dust, and plants because it actually stained the rock. The yellow, white, and black has all washed away. Really cool we had an opportunity to see them.
We're back at the hotel now, relaxing by the pool and trying to gear up for an exhausting afternoon of facials, foot massages, and absolutely nothing. Ahhh.
Ah, those times for absolutely nothing are the best.
After reading this, I felt like I was on safari.
That bar was very cool-
Gucci: Where do you live? Just looked at the stats are are trying to figure out who is looking at our blog from Kuwait, Russia, and Sri Lanka, to name a few.
Every time I read a posting I am the one that is awe struck that YOU GUYS are really there.The scenery, animals, critters(bugs) are all so different looking. We are so lucky getting to see it through your eyes. I love the bar on the back of the truck, makes touring all day fun! Thanks for the chuckle on Ryan & his bugs phobia, I had a visual of him screaching when a leaf drifted down and hit him. Have to go back & read your arrival post, I love getting up to 2 posting and Walter goes back to bed, snoring away behind me, no rush to go out! heaven!!! xoxo
Now we are talking! LOVE this post and pics!
Sundowners - I like that! Of course to be followed by night caps :) TB
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