Monday, July 12, 2010
Take Me To The River
We were not really sure what to do with our time in Ubud so we got a few tips from the concierge. One of the options was to ride an elephant so we looked online to see what people thought of it. I know there are some similar excursions where the elephants are rescued and free to roam but apparently these elephants are chained to pegs in the ground so we weren't willing to support that. Instead, we decided to go whitewater rafting. We were so glad we did! The tour picked us up at the hotel and brought us to the main building where we were outfitted with helmets, life jackets, and oars. Once we were suited up, we took a long hike down the cliff to the river to the boats.

Once we got to the boats, we were dripping with sweat and had to wait for the rest of the first group to get there. We were offered water which we were grateful for and instead of paper cups, they had wrapped banana leaves to hold our drinks.
Oh, and I've got to mention... I have an ENORMOUS head and I always dread activities where I have to wear a helmet. One size fits all, MY ASS! Case in point:
After a safety demonstration, we were off on the Ayung River. 'Ayung' means 'Beautiful Woman' and was she ever. We obviously had to put our camera in a waterproof bag but we were able to stop at a few stops for a photo oportunity. The first was at this magnificent waterfall. The whole ride looked like a jungle movie scene complete with the vines hanging from the trees, and ancient carvings into the rock faces for about 2 k.m. So beautiful. The photos we took are a bit foggy because our camera got soaked but at least we were able to capture something.
The next stop was one of the many shantis set up where locals haul down (about 400 m.) drinks to sell to the groups that come down. It's a hard living... and once we saw they had local beer, we only thought it right to support them. There were cows roaming around as well. We were in another world.

As we were eating lunch (provided by the rafting company) we lost our appetite having to watch these 50+, skinny women hauling all of our boats up 300 meters worth of stairs on their heads. There was something so wrong about this. We followed soon after and had to work our way through a ton of people trying to sell us things... wooden carvings, Bintang (local beer) T-shirts. Such a hard living all around... and a reminder of how fortunate we are.
We came back and had something to eat, and then took a 15 minute shuttle to the centre of Ubud to see what the shopping district had to offer. I'd been there once before but did not remember how chaotic it was. Hot, stinky, scooters, stray dogs, incense, a crush of people... thank goodness we were only there for two hours. We had intentions of buying something small as a token from Bali but couldn't find the shops that the hotel recommended (guaranteed not to get ripped off).

We got off the busy street and took a quick look at a temple. Even this was swarmed with people so we took a few pictures and went for a drink while we waited for the shuttle back to the hotel.

So, we're going to find something to eat for dinner... and enjoy our air-conditioning. It is another torrential downpour outside, I guess that is the norm here in the mountains, with be sunshine in the morning. I will be sure to wear something with traction tonight!!!
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What a cultural shock! Im glad you chose rafting, I have done it and its awesome! You guys look like you have really settled in, Ry I love the poses, and Jesse you poor thing about your helmet....did make for a laugh though, im always scared to read your blog, for fear of there being another did the water taste when in the banana leaf? thats very cool :)
Cows roaming, shantis set up and incense - sounds great to me! So happy you went rafting. If you really want to Bali it up do yoga at "The Barn", I dare you! xo
That river rafting would be fun, riding an elephant, don't think so.
Has Ryan seen a monkey yet?
They probably like to steal shiny stuff, so make sure your rings are always on where they belong.
I sympathize with your big head, me too. I can never find a hat to fit this noggin.
Oh feel sorry for those women having to haul the boats up, must be hard to just sit back & watch, I am all for supporting , as in buying something, the locals. So, buy me something & then we can say we helped someone out.
I agree with Cutes, culture shock, but a good one, so happy you guys are able to experience all this.
Can't wait for the dinner postings. How is the food?
Have fun in the sun which sounds like high humidity, ugh!
Cooler here today, woohoo! (that's what Walter says anyway)
jess, did you have big helmet indents on your head afterwards? looks beautiful!
I'm sooo jealous about the white water rafting! I'm so impressed at how you guys just relish in every moment.
Banana cups- I love them
Helmet Head, poor you-
High heat and humidity-just gross, I would get so physically sick!
Dears! Air Kisses to you both!!! The experience so far looks spectacular and Pat and I are living vicariously through you both! All the Four Seasons have been incredible and I so want to go to Bali now! Ryan, how are you holding up on your first sun/beach holiday? I have booked an extra therapy session for all the naked swimming that I have been witnessing - watching my sister in that repose has been, well you know... I am actually so proud of you and so thankful that Jess is in your life! Love you both and see you very soon... Have some fish and duck and a LOT of cocktails for me (preferably Veuve Cliquot)... Iffi
PS Ryan, you stole my helmet!
Cutes: The rafting was awesome... the shopping in Ubud, not so much (says Jess who hates shopping anyway, even when there are sidewalks and cool weather).
T.B.: Good lord... Are you kidding me? You really think you could convince me (who can't touch his toes) or Ryan (Oh, please... for a number of reasons) to spend the day doing Yoga and eating vegan bits on our holiday?
Walt's Gram: No monkeys yet. We were told that if you go and visit them they are quite aggressive (as in, taking sunglasses, wallets, etc.). Ryan isn't so keen anymore.
Dalyn: Um, NO. Those red lines were there BEFORE. GOD!!!
Sarah's Leslie: So GREAT to hear from you! Take care of that little vixen for me. The rafting was great though I've got to say, pretty tame.
Gucci: I think you'd be OK with the humidity, etc. Once you're here for awhile and realize that everyone sweats as much as you do you just don't worry about it. You'll always have a hand up because I'm not sure they sell deodorant here.
Iffi: Wheeeee! Thanks for the comment. We'll skip the fish and duck but we've already gone above and beyond with the cocktails. XOXO.
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