After breakfast this morning, we went to the National Botanical Garden just down from our hotel. For anyone with a green thumb, there is serious risk to having your head explode. The place is massive and has an amazing amount of different species. The garden also has the largest collection of orchids in the world. Cue to me taking a bazillion pictures. I love, love, love orchids and I've done fairly well taking care of them. I was blown away by the fact that some of them were taller than I am, and some were microscopic. Look, if you're not into plants right now this has probably been a really boring post so far. If you agree with me, I apologize for the next round of pictures (The scroll down bar is to your right). Although it's a bit fuzzy, the last photo shows one of the favourite orchids that I saw. It's a Dendrobium Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle (Denrobium tangerinum X Dendrobium slyvanum) but you probably already knew that (Do I get a gold star, Leon?). I thought the flowers looked like wasps flying at you. O'kay, I'll stop with the orchids. We wandered through about half the park and found a place called The Cool House which simulated the environment of a mountain top. Maybe I felt the need to add the picture because it was air-conditioned and cool. Also, I found another area of the park that gave inspiration for my next drag outfit.
We had lunch at an amazing Italian place called Forlino. Singapore is bizarre in that respect. It's made up of Chinese, Malaysian, and Indian people and they've got everything from California Pizza Kitchen to 7-11 to Hard Rock Cafe. Anyway, the food was spectacular and I thought of you, Dalyn, with the old school champagne glasses. After lunch we decided to go and get a trashy tourist photo at Singapore's famous Merlion (the white lion shooting water out of his mouth that we posted on our first post of this trip) but he looked like this... We then hopped in a taxi and went to the brand new Marina Bay Sands Hotel. It is absolutely amazing. Singapore spent $8 billion building it and it just opened on June 23rd of this year. It is three towers and 57 stories with a nautical themed sky garden connected over the three buildings. I really can't describe it so I'll let the pictures and the video do the talking.
You'll see that Ryan isn't smiling in the video. Mr. Grouchy Pants was mad because I refused to use the audio guide. It would have been better had I just listened to one. Every time I went to talk to him he insisted on giving me a random tidbit of information. "Did you know they damed this river to maintain constant tidal leve?" Fascinating.
We were just about finished but decided to go and see the other side of the viewing platform that is reserved for hotel guests. I have never seen a more kick-ass pool in my life. Totally amazing. We're now back at the hotel and about to go shopping. Apparently, Singapore has a sale nation wide that lasts until the end of July. Score. Hopefully we can stay awake later than 8:00 p.m. tonight so that we're not up at 4:30 a.m. The wine certainly isn't helping the cause.
I can't believe it but I have to type another message some how it did not post to you. So here goes again. The orchids are outstanding I would have been there all day! The hotel you visited and did the video of, I yikes can't handle heights so when you took the video over the edge of the building I just about freeked out! The pool was making me nervous as well. The food looks amazing! Darn can't see the menu to check out for the "stuff" I think you are doing ok so far. but remember Jess Ryan is addicted to the it! Have fun you guys! Alex
Shopping in Singapore--one of the three things the locals do (besides going out eating and going to movies). Have a good time strolling down Orchard Road! :)
I'm now all caught up on your travels and looking forward to your next post... I'm guessing you two won't be checking out the famous hawker stands for your next food adventure? ;)
(a) That building looks like triple Jenga. As in, it might topple.
(b) Orchids are beautiful. They're also nowhere near resilient enough to be left in my care (she says pointing to the leafless, petal-less, brown twig sticking out of Saharan dry dirt).
Those are some impressive orchids, I love the white ones. I have sticks of 3 orchids on my counter, I am just hoping to get them to bloom again. Look at that hotel, wow, do they ever do it big in Singapore. Is it as clean as you expected, the streets, I mean? The food again, everything looks so luxurious..It is all so facsinating. I am so impressed with Jesse knowing the Latin name of his favourite orchid. haha. I shall test you when you get home, see if you will still know it. Safe flight to Bali tomorrow, am excited to see your posts from there as well. XO
Love the orchid pics! The white one with all the long bits coming out is amazing. As you can see, I am also well-versed in the technical terms of orchid hunting. So fun to read your posts and can't wait to see pics from Bali!
Yep, those building do look all crooked and held up by god knows what
The PINK orchids were my favorites along with the last yellow crawly one-I would put those two together.
And I also had freak out moments when seeing the video, being afraid of heights and all, thinking I was going to topple over the edge I was not even on.
That pool, how can you just not plop off that edge? Freaky.
I can't believe it but I have to type another message some how it did not post to you. So here goes again. The orchids are outstanding I would have been there all day! The hotel you visited and did the video of, I yikes can't handle heights so when you took the video over the edge of the building I just about freeked out! The pool was making me nervous as well. The food looks amazing! Darn can't see the menu to check out for the "stuff" I think you are doing ok so far. but remember Jess Ryan is addicted to the it! Have fun you guys! Alex
Shopping in Singapore--one of the three things the locals do (besides going out eating and going to movies). Have a good time strolling down Orchard Road! :)
I'm now all caught up on your travels and looking forward to your next post... I'm guessing you two won't be checking out the famous hawker stands for your next food adventure? ;)
(a) That building looks like triple Jenga. As in, it might topple.
(b) Orchids are beautiful. They're also nowhere near resilient enough to be left in my care (she says pointing to the leafless, petal-less, brown twig sticking out of Saharan dry dirt).
(c) LOVE
Those are some impressive orchids, I love the white ones. I have sticks of 3 orchids on my counter, I am just hoping to get them to bloom again.
Look at that hotel, wow, do
they ever do it big in Singapore. Is it as clean as you expected, the streets, I mean?
The food again, everything looks so luxurious..It is all so facsinating. I am so impressed with Jesse knowing the Latin name of his favourite orchid. haha. I shall test you when you get home, see if you will still know it.
Safe flight to Bali tomorrow, am excited to see your posts from there as well. XO
What a beautiful place, cant wait to visit it some day! The gardens are gorgeous, and the orchids are awesome, specially the purple ones ;)
Have fun shopping, and this time lets see some LV or coach bags luvs!!
OMG. when i'm sober tomorrow i will write something. and trust me.... i have something to write!
Love the orchid pics! The white one with all the long bits coming out is amazing. As you can see, I am also well-versed in the technical terms of orchid hunting. So fun to read your posts and can't wait to see pics from Bali!
Yep, those building do look all crooked and held up by god knows what
The PINK orchids were my favorites along with the last yellow crawly one-I would put those two together.
And I also had freak out moments when seeing the video, being afraid of heights and all, thinking I was going to topple over the edge I was not even on.
That pool, how can you just not plop off that edge? Freaky.
And, loved the green fan plant!
You get more than a gold star! This is amazing - Singapore is definitely a place I need to visit. Thanks for sharing all those fantastic images.
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