Monday, September 3, 2007

Stay Tuned

Apparently we have more fans than we knew about... extremely busy fans that don't have an extra five minutes in their day to leave a COMMENT, but we love and appreciate you anyway (but you can forget about getting a 'My Friends Went To Italy And All They Brought Me Back Was This Lousy Shirt' T-Shirt. We just spoke to mother in Comox and she told us about the 10s upon 10s of readers.

So, we'll post a wrap-up posting and add a bunch of pictures now that we're officially itinerary-less. Just give us some time to start on the mountain of laundry and attend to things that need attending to... Like our hair. We are both in desperate need of trim... I am starting to look like Jerry Seinfeld, and Ryan's spikes are so long that they are starting to lean on each other to stay standing, morphing into two horns on the top of his head.

Now it's time to start sorting through the 1,500 pictures we took. Here's hoping that we can get through them all and put up the post before our reservation at the Sweet Sunshine-Coast Oasis Rehab Clinic for our dry out. We have a standing reservation each year at this time. The staff is FABULOUS. Let us know if we can send you any info.


Anonymous said...

Yes, you REALLY do have many fans, but for some reason or another, they are too shy or busy to post. The feed-back I get, is you are very funny, who cares about where you have been, you are just FUNNY! I even laughed at this post, maybe I have a problem, that's your field of expertise isn't it, let's talk.
I qualify for a t-shirt, don't I?
Know it was alot of work for you, but I so appreciated it, Thanks again. See you soon! XO Mom

Emily said...

WELCOME HOME! Thank you for putting so much work into this blog. It's like I was there with you, and I really wish I was! Bummer about the window and the deck chairs, but maybe it's refreshing to spend time somewhere more rustic. Day and I highly recommend rustic. If you're looking to really rough it, you are welcome to come over anytime. You can play "backpacker", although Ambrose doesn't have fleas these days and they really added to the atmosphere. Give a ring once you're rested. Josh and I are ready to test out your new cooking skills whenever you are! Mwa!

Ricki said...

Hey Jesse,
Corinne was out here this weekend and brought your blog to my attention. You are way too funny I could take a few blogging lessons from you as my posts are super dull compared to yours!
Your trip sounds fabulous! What an amazing adventure!
I look forward to reading more!
Oh, and say hi to Jodie for me next time you talk to her!

Ricki (used to be Dirks)

Melissavina said...

I'm back! I've been on an equally fabulous vacation over the past five days with six other girls. We went to beautiful Palm Springs to lie in the 117ยบ heat by the pool, sip limey cocktails, and go dancing at night in non-airconditioned clubs equipped with fog machines and lasers. I'm not kidding. It was actually awesome and I'm a shade darker from the baking, but when I think about vacation your style is way more my speed. :)