We are staying at the Caesar Park hotel this time. It is a lovely hotel in the Recoleta district which we have stayed in before. While the room is probably the largest we have had this trip it is not quite as glamorous as the Four Seasons or Alvear Palace we stayed at for our last two legs here.
Here are a few photos of our room:
Today we returned to the Palermo district, a kinda funky artsy area, so that we could look at the art again and ended up buying another painting. The art here is very cool and very inexpensive, I am sure the framing will put us back a bit though. We have alot of bare white walls at home so this should fill up a few of them.
We bought the angel with the heart and this is the artist.
Here the artist and his artist buddies are removing the painting from its frame for us to carry home. (Jess is keeping a watchful eye on our new possession)
Tonight we are going out for dinner with Marc, Mike, Clare and Paul but before that we are meeting in our suite to do a wine tasting of a couple of the wines we brought back from Mendoza.
happy birthday ryan! hope it was a good one....
that artists work looks amazing! good choice on the winged blu boy!
wish you two were here for new years, but i guess ill see you soon enough! the blog was great and it was nice to read so much from ryan this time! xoxox *d
Have a great celebration tonight. Not to take away from Ry's big day, but also Jesse's 30th birthday in Oct. Have fun guys! The big 30/40 split.What a way to celebrate your birthdays.
Thanks for the blog, enjoyed travelling with you 2 very much.
Safe trip home!XO
I am so sad, the trip is over... Happy Birthday Ryan.
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