This was the card sitting beside the macaroons. We proceeded to place the card in the minibar. We'll let you know how it turns out.
Well, that lasted long, didn't it? It's Jess... Ryan is tired. Apparently "this blogging thing is hard." I'll give him credit, the connection takes forever to upload a picture. Anyway, here was the rest of our day. We went on a three hour tour (... a three hour tour) with a tour guide named Diego (the picture is of him and Ry). It was actually fascinating going through the city. A lot to be learned. Of course, the highlight of the tour for Ryan was visiting Evita Peron's grave... not because he knows who she is but because Madonna played her in the movie. Her story is
Ry also wanted me to post this picture. This is the moselium of the man (as far as the Argentine are concerned) who 'invented' Salsa Golf... a 50/50 mix of ketchup and mayonnaise. If my partner was ever going to join a religion, it would be the one that this man started.
Oooh... check this out. Forget Jess, I now go by 'Mrs. ("Name removed" because Ryans patient's can find him here)' (only funny for those of you that know my partner's name is Ryan ("Name removed" and my name is Jesse Magee). It reminded us of flying into Prague last year and walking out of the airport to find our driver holding a sign that said 'Mr. and Mrs. "Name removed" ' Talk about a photo opportunity missed!
Here we are at La Recoleta Cemetary where Evita is buried (oh, and the salsa golf inventor). I think horizontal stripes are really working for me. What do you think?
One live celebrity (Robert De Niro) and one dead one (Eva Peron) in a single day? That's a red-letter day in my book. Have fun in Buenos Aires!
Salsa Golf makes me puke in my mouth but then I remember that I love 1,000 island dressing. Go figure.
I laughed out loud twice while reading this and had to explain myself to co-workers (apparently laughter is cause for alarm in the Christmas stress of my office.)
I love that you're traveling again, and now we get to hear from Ry!! Holla.
Sweeet! I know you kids are having a baaa-last!!! I can tell by the cannon picture there would be a laugh a minute.
BTW... The stripes are definitely perfect on you. Keep 'em!!
Have an awesome rest of your trip, guys!!
xoxo Diva
This post is one the funniest blog posts I've ever read. You guys could get paid for this, you know.
Ha! I am loving your travel adventure. Around these parts they call that Salsa Golf 'fry sauce'.
Nice cannon! ;)
Kennethsf: I'm sure we will. I've seen you around in the blogosphere. Glad you found this site.
Melissavina: I didn't even know Salsa Golf existed. I'm sure Ryan will be shipping a case home. Do they sell it in California?
Divalicious: Ya, we were laughing until our historian tour guide walked up while we were taking it. Whoops.
Dalai Mama: Thanks! What a job that would be!
Nanette: We call it fry sauce too... except we just mix mayo and ketchup. I had no idea there was such a thing until now.
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