Tomorrow we check into the Four Seasons in Buenos Aires for three nights a hotel that I am super excited to experience, it gets rave reviews.
Hi... It's Jess... Ryan just said something he doesn't want me to post. Too bad. What he really wanted to say regarding the Four Seasons Hotel is that the first thing he is going to do is "wash off this bargain basement shampoo." I laughed but I can't be 100% that he was kidding. The first night that we got here, I was standing at the sink while he was in the shower. Over the shower curtain I heard "These non-Hermes bath products are burning my skin!"
To be honest, I think Ry's sudden return to normalcy came as a direct result of ingesting ketchup less than 20 minutes ago. He still was fairly white and ho-hum until he got the kitchen to make him a grilled cheese. Things went from 'good' to 'great' as soon as he realized Heinz was alive and well in Argentina, though rare. Most places don't have it, it seems. He probably would have started doing high kicks and whistling 'Dixie' if they had included a side of Salsa Golf.
That's all for now. More tomorrow when this camping trip is over.
Too funny about the ketchup and the non-Hermes products, got a belly laugh out of me.
Wow,those are some awesome pictures, just relax guys and enjoy, there will be time for luxury! Pampered kiddies you are.
Jesse, run out of shaving cream?
Ooooh, he is feeling better isn't he? Just read your comment, and for that cutting remark, 1 lump of coal in your stocking young man! Sometimes, moms are busy, but not too busy to read the blog each and every day.
looks like the girls know that they now belong in the city. Leave this 'camping' stuff to the Australians. They are good at that stuff. BA awaits you. It is currently 35c here at 6PM. HOT...
Hello ladieez!
Ryan sick?? sick of what?? The exercise/adventure-walk-till-ya-drop 15k hike that I INVENTED? don't let Jess fool you into thinking he came up with these die hard exercise regimes on his own! I've had him in a serious workout routine for aprox. 2 years now. He probably wouldnt even know what the sea wall of stanley park or the grouse grind trail looked like (2 well know outdoor trails for joggers in vancouver) if it hadn't been for my constant doorbell ringing at 5:30am every other day.
I must say though that you are very lucky in the fact that at the sight of a bottle of heinz, all your problems melt away. Mine only melt for a bottle of wine... (loud sigh...)
speaking of wine!!! i hear it's just horrible down there! if you'd like me to send down a box of your favorite (saw it on sale for $18.59. can't beat that price for 4 liters!) i'd be happy to.
anyways! i really should be working, but i've got an intensive Chest/Triceps workout planned for this afternoon... jess, maybe your right... i should give up my budding graphic design career and become a personal trainer. mwa! *d
Mums the Word: It's a serious toss up... a beard or getting a kiss once and awhile.
Mike Bunker: Get the champagne on ice sweetie... we've already got ours bags packed.
Dalyn: Since we've been here, I haven't been able to work out because they don't have a gym but I've made do by benching felled logs and clawing my way up the side of the glacier with my bare hands. You should see my forearms! As for wine, don't worry about it. That $18.59 box probably costs $5.00 down here. Kidding aside, wine is super cheap. I mean, not that I care really. I don't really drink the stuff.
I'm hearing an awful lot of complaining from the two people I know who are closest to being called jet-setting! Chin up you Hermes-drenched princesses, "exciting" plane rides and food poisoning actually make some of the best stories! You could still be here doing the same-old, same-old...
Hello boys...
You're probably in transit now!
Jesus-Christ,where are the penguins on??? Anyway,we have a reservation for tonight in Palermo! Give us a call when you're back!
Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures... off to the gym!
Cheers, Marc & Mike, xx
Emily: I know, I know. We just kicked our own asses about that. See the next post.
Mike Bunker: We just arrived. Call the hotel at your leisure.
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