Both of us have been on many economy flights in cramped seats with no leg room. Well, who am I kidding... I'm not sure if Ryan has EVER made it past the little curtain to hang with us "commoners" in the back but rest assured, I have and I don't need to tell you that there aren't very many perks. Sure, there might be the option of choosing your seat when flying but it really doesn't matter when you're in economy. If you've chosen the window seat, you have to get two other people to get up out of their seats every time you need to go to the bathroom... either that, or give the other patrons the option of 'ass' or 'crotch' as you shimmy by. The aisle seat might be good for those of you 100 lbs. or less, but I can vouch for those of us with broad shoulders that sleeping in an aisle seat is not an option, unless you want to risk decapitation with the beverage cart. I don't think I need to go into the cons of the middle seat.
I know that many of you will want nothing more than to flip us the bird when I tell you about the flight details of our upcoming vacation, but know before hand that the flights are a result of cashing in Aeroplan points (Thank you, Jane!). Yes, we are abandoning economy class and flying business on Lufthansa to Rome... oh but wait, there's more.
Lufthansa recently upgraded all of the business class seats on their planes. Here's where we will be resting our toosh while we cross the Atlantic: They look amazing, don't they? I know, I know... I would hate us too. To give you a glimpse into the business class section of the plane, check out this video. I'm guessing by the music, the guy who taped it was as "happy" as we are!
Hopefully we'll be able to take some of our own pictures and videos when we actually get onto the plane on Sunday. Ciao for now!
Oh my........... I can hardly find the time to pack before a trip let alone set up a fabulous blog. I'll think of you both fondly, as I'm scrubbing toilets in the Downtown Eastside! I start my 'replacement' duties tomorrow.(part of my contract in light of the strike) Wish me a strong stomach! Looking forward to getting together with you boys when you get back. Ciao Rob
didn't you take this video the LAST time you guys traveled?? i totally recognize that music... weren't you playing it over and over again when i was at your place this week? i think you were....*d
I officially hate you! I can certainly identify with the economy seat woes. Unfortunately, I will not be upgrading to business any time soon. Need to find me a sugar-daddy first!
Ryan in economy, NEVER! Thanks to Ry, I have been spoiled rotten. Now when I have to pay to fly I will be in with the "commoners". Oh dear, what's a girl to do. Wishing you both a safe and fun filled 3 weeks. You are in my thoughts! XO to you both
Oh my........... I can hardly find the time to pack before a trip let alone set up a fabulous blog. I'll think of you both fondly, as I'm scrubbing toilets in the Downtown Eastside! I start my 'replacement' duties tomorrow.(part of my contract in light of the strike) Wish me a strong stomach!
Looking forward to getting together with you boys when you get back.
Ciao Rob
It's amazing how I can both hate and love you guys at the same time. Fascinating, actually. And passionately. Odd.
Safe travels a-holes.
didn't you take this video the LAST time you guys traveled?? i totally recognize that music... weren't you playing it over and over again when i was at your place this week? i think you were....*d
I officially hate you! I can certainly identify with the economy seat woes. Unfortunately, I will not be upgrading to business any time soon. Need to find me a sugar-daddy first!
Ryan in economy, NEVER! Thanks to Ry, I have been spoiled rotten. Now when I have to pay to fly I will be in with the "commoners". Oh dear, what's a girl to do. Wishing you both a safe and fun filled 3 weeks. You are in my thoughts!
XO to you both
How I wish I had those kind of seats on the way back from Italy last July-oh how I wish!
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