Here is a photo to Jess sleeping as I write this.
Okay people, I wanted to give a little shout out to Jess for his fabulous blog entries during our trip. As I work on this, having to re-enter my password every 3.5 minutes (hotel wireless access)and waiting 8 minutes for each photo to download I realize how challenging it has been. Never mind that the computer is at 300 degrees due to the 240V European electrical connection. (That is okay, right?, I am surprised it hasn`t melted yet).
And also a BIG thank you to those who have taken the time to post comments. We (I mean Jess) usually posts during the day here when you guys are all fast asleep and when we wake up every morning we log on and see who has left a comment. So nice to have contact with you guys at home while we are away. A special thank you to Dalyn (your comments make us belly laugh every morning, except those when you are too busy cleaning up peas to comment), Mellisavina (have never met you, but you crack me up) and mom, aka mamma-mia (our biggest fan, I think).
We have been in Positano for 2 days now for the relaxation leg of our trip. The town is spectacularly beautiful, clinging to a cliff over the Mediterranean. Of all the stops on our trip to Italy we had the most difficulty deciding on a hotel here and we had two different rooms booked right until we left Vancouver. The hotel we are at had a 400 square foot terrace with a hot tub on it overlooking the sea off of the room vs. a nicer hotel with an infinitely pool (I thought a trip to Italy would be the solution to fix my weight issues, forcing me to diet and making it ok to slip on my leopard print speedo for a dip with the other hotel guests!). Needless to say, we are glad to have selected the hotel we did as we have been on a steady 4000-5000 calorie a day diet (conservatively), and the weather has been incredibly hot and humid. We can barely walk a block without being drenched in sweat and the tub on the terrace has been our savior.
So a typical day here has not been my typical pre-booked museums or tours..... we start with a relaxing breakfast on the terrace (don`t we have to be somewhere!!!)...
...have a nice walk in the village until we notice a group of American senior citizens (Wow, the plastic surgery!!!!!) having beers at 10:30am and say `Why not, we`re on holiday!!`
...finish our two monster beers just in time to go for a glamour lunch......
After lunch back to the room to sit on the terrace and read our books. As you can see Jess is reading some trashing New York Times best seller while I am reading a very difficult read by one of our literary masters, Rosie O`Donnell.
...maybe a little dip to cool off....
...then off to a dinner I planned 6 months ago.
Tomorrow we are off to Ravello, about 25km south of here, a town perched 1000 ft up on the cliff to take a cooking class from Mamma Agata. Apparently it is amazing. You cook the meal with mamma for 3 hours and then eat it in her garden overlooking the sea.
On more thing, Dalyn, we found you a new scooter, made by Burberry, sweet!
Alright, this has taken forever and Jess is starting to stir....until tomorrow and Jess` next post ...ARREEVA-DERCHEE. (I used Italtian spell check and that IS right!!)
It`s Jess... wanted to find out if anyone has ever been woken up by having Celine Dion (in FRENCH) blasted into your ear. It`s awesome. You just spring out of bed. Not bitchy at ALL. (Ryan is going to see her show in Las Vegas three days after we get home... for the third time... oh sorry, I just got corrected. Fourth time... I know, people, I know... shhhh... just smile and nod).
Jess, you have competition, Ryan you are so funny - aways so serious at home - I once again had another good belly laugh reading the post.
Good, a cooking lesson, I figure I can scrap the Prime Rib at Thanksgiving, and you both can demonstrate what you learned cooking with mama whatever her name was, for all of us. Yum! Bet it will be tasty!
Jess, EASY on Celine !!!!!
Can I tell you just one more time how much I am enjoying this. You realize you will never be able to go on vacation again without doing a blog.
Can't wait to chat with you 2.
Xo mom
"Bursting at the seams with SEX, viloence, corruption and DEATH"!!!! SWEET JESUS! thats halarious! you must be just mowing through it... finished the day you got it?? maybe ryan will lend you something with a little more 'meat' to it? (har har..)
the scooter is just simply amazing. somebody got a bonus on their paycheck for designing that one!
now i know ive said it before, but i still cant get over how similar italy is to taiwan... but as i was looking at your last post i realized - HEY! the view off your patio is pretty much EXACTLY like the view off mine!! (our hot tubs a tad bigger) im figuring the only difference is that your place is a tad noiser than ours? oh and that you most likely didnt discover a human turd at your back gate like i did yesterday. yes a huge human turd. on that note... ciao! (thats italian for several things)
Alex says,
I don't know who is funnier in their writings for the blog! jess i think Ryan should be allowed to do more of this creative writing for your blog. I must say Dalyn's last discriptive response made me laugh. I know, shes my daughter, but she has been funny too! I so enjoy all the wonderful pictures you two are taking they are so great and I feel like we are all on this trip together, thanks for sharing your lives with us on this adventure.
hey, one more thing... i just want to thank you guys for letting me use the beamer while you've been away. i can't say enough how helpful its been to have a car that acually starts most of the time. (only had to have zol come help me jump start it twice... so far!) ive already got a detailing guy lineed up to take care of the coffee stain on the passengers side (wasn't me I SWEAR) but other than that its been GREAT. oh, and whats the password to your alarm again? im sick of dealing with the cops every time it goes off. JEEZ! *d
Dear Ryan,
I'm Melissavina and I think we will someday be great friends.
I also think the picture of you showing off the Burberry moped is funny because it looks like something is dangling between your legs.
I would also like to defend the American tourists. Beer at 10:30 is acceptable if your on holiday or not. That's how we roll.
***I had something else very funny to say but I thought better. Once I typed it the humor evaporated. I hate when that happens.
Um, Ryan, this is Harold here from Saskatoon. I am trying to get a hold of Jesse to see if he can come in for a shift at the Shelter... the shift started about three hours ago and should only last about another 11 hours, maybe less if the three remaining kids run away between now and then... Oh, and tell him to call me instead of Jean because she is still being held at knife point by Gabe. Jesse will understand. Thanks so much and enjoy the rest of your trip.
I think that this is one of the most precise, complete and up to date blogs I have ever read. Considering I have now read three in total at this point in my life, that has got to be worth something to you. I was thinking of starting one of my own, but really, who wants to read about my six month old daughter sh!tting on my carpet and having to bring in a professional carpet cleaner to get it out, or how my dogs found a random rotting carcass in the forest out our back yard and rubbed their backs in it until it turned their fur green, or about how I baked an entire batch of cookies to entice this daycare lady to take my daugher once I go back to work but used salt in the recipe instead of sugar (you would think I would have tried one before taking them to her, but no...). You guys are having an incredible trip and this is such an awesome way of letting us in on it - and a great way to avoid having to give us all the run down when you get home. Miss you lots. XOXOXO
By the way, I am putting in my order for one of the snow globes. And Ryan, if you woke me up to Celonk Deonk, you would be limping to her concert.
Hey Guys...........great blogs....I can see you both have the same sense of humor. It's been fun checking for them every day. Sounds though like its been a wonderful trip. You've allowed us to enjoy it with you. Thanks Ryan........I'd go to at least one Celine concert with you. Can't wait to see the pics (that is after you have figured out which ones of the 1000's to keep)....Love Mom
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