A lunch reservation has been made by Ryan, and a pair of shorts, flip-flops, and T-shirt has been selected by Jess for tomorrow. I've already called the front desk to send up an iron to make sure they are extra crispy so that I don't look out of place.
No bullshit here people. Just tellin' it like it is. The only thing left to ignite WWIII is for me to make fun of this:
Oh Dear! Sounds like just too much togetherness, might be time to get back to work and normalcy, is that a word?, anyway, call me if you need a shoulder to cry on. XO
i'm sorry... i've re-read the post several times and watched the video at least twice. im still not getting what is to be made fun of... ? do you have something against micheal jackson? or does ryan?? the clip is a particularly incredible performance by micheal i must say, like none ive seen of him before. i would almost liken him to celine dion in this clip. hellz what am i talking about!? put those two together - up on a stage and there is NO WAY i would be able to tell the difference between either of them.
oh yeah, i forgot to mention in my last post but Sweet Sunshine-Coast Oaisis Rehab Clinic, that private rehab clinic you guys had lined up for your 'post vacation' dry out wants to know if either of you have any food alergies. i told them cheese, pasta, olive oil and anything yeasty. shall i add anything else? let me know *dalyn
jess check your email for picture please. *d
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