A rare opportunity... a visual of Ryan sleeping... actually sleeping, which means he hasn't booked anything... as in ZERO reservations... as in, this picture is taken in the afternoon... while on vacation... It doesn't happen very often. Look now.
We went to se

e the
David today at the
Galleria dell'Accademia. No pictures were allowed... so we decided to send you the second best thing... a combination of Ryan, a trashy tourist stand apron, and Photoshop. I'll let Ryan type the rest of the entry for this photo...
"It's identical... you'll never see me naked but if you did, this is EXACTLY what it would look like. Consider it an early Christmas present to all of you... seriously."
Here is a picture of me at the
Medici-Riccardi Palace. It was one of the viewing opportunities on the way back to our

hotel after seeing the
David... our options included the
Museo di Vinci or the serial killer museum... Um... no thanks. To be honest, at this point I was (we both were but he has more trouble admitting it) tired of art, museums and alike. We have seen both Jesus and Mary in every color, every pose, and every hue possible, and have also viewed marble busts of every ruler of every EVERYTHING. It's a shame, but it's gets old. Ryan will disagree but I'm just going to go ahead and post this... he can post his own opinion if he wants to... (which won't happen).
Everywhere we walk, we see these guys selling crappy reproductions of famous Italian paintings (along with the guys who display all of their rip-off Gucci and Louis

Vuitton bags). All of the pictures are meticulously folded over one another... as soon as one of the boys blow the "Police are coming" whistle, all of the pictures are folded up with the skill of a Vegas card dealer, and they move to another corner.
I mentioned in one of

the other posts that we are wary of being associated with tourists... here's a visual example of why... Enjoying your pizza everyone?
Dalyn, these pictures are especially

for you. When Zoltan

sells 'Further,' we have found you some other options. We think they are perfect options for you... though we're not sure if they have been moved in the last 15 years, or so.
Part of our problem... but so, so GOOD....


we are at the
Pitti Palace. You'll notice that the queen is in his normal pos

e... and I am growing weary of touring the same, same, same... typical of both of us... more interested in the men sellng their cheap posters, rather than the chandelliers and paintings.
Adelina QuadriAbove is the link to the artist we bought some paintings from. She is wonderful... and I'm pretty sure she had no idea what we said... but she made a sale. All is well. O.k... that's all for now... Hope you are well. We love it when you post comments... wait... I LOVE IT when you post

comments. Knowing someone reads this makes it worth doing. XO.
Oh Jesse - poor you: on vacation with a beautiful man in a beautiful city in beautiful hotels seeing beautiful art/architecture and eating beautiful cheese....yes I can see why you are struggling to enjoy it.
Here's a little snippet from my world: Last night A and I took a cab home in the pouring rain. Our driver suddenly pulled over, apologized for his unprofessional manner, jumped out of the car, started a fight with a guy on the street to defend a friend's honour, escorted that friend into the front seat of our cab with a bleeding nose, and then transfered us to another cab: all with the most calm and professional demeanor: 'Thank you ladies' 'Sorry ladies' 'She's a friend of mine, ladies' 'Pardon me for punching that guy, ladies' 'Sorry about that blood, ladies'. HILARIOUS. And Creepy. But mostly hilarious.
Love you. Have fun.
Doesn't that beautiful man look peaceful sleeping....Sweet Dreams! I know what it's like travelling with Ryan, the "energizer bunny". Now that apron has left me speechless......Funny though.
Enjoy yourselves, as much as we are enjoying the blog! XO
well 'Further' is no more! yes its unfortunate i will be unable to embarass you by picking you up in it anymore. we sold him to 'farmer' a phytrance DJ on his wy to burning man. PERFECR. Lets look into importing some of those super cute cars and make some $$!
and are you sure ryans wearing an apron? im pretty sure ive seen him hop out of the shower accidentaly before and i really dont see the difference at all... *d
Alex said... Loving your running comments on your days in each city. The best was the "Holy Shit" one Dave and I laughed and laughed. good to see you enjoying adventures of resturants off the tourist route. Enjoy!
I'm afraid of that apron.
I am really enjoying your blog. As someone who has been to Italy before, after awhile if I suggested we go see yet one more Duomo Ryan's Uncle Bob would give me that look of refusal!! I can hardly wait to go again, this time without 2 teenagers!! Jesse your sense of humour is great. Love you already and hope to meet when you come to little ole Comox
Ryans aunty Dawn
As hard as it may be to believe if you haven't seen weeks worth of bleeding jesus', I totally understand that the art starts to blur and it gets very tiring to look at museum after museum (and I studied art history!). The best solution is to take some days to do other things: day trips to small towns, hip shopping districts, MODERN art galleries, tailors etc. Mix it up and you will be fresher for the museums, because they might be some of your best memories.
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