I'm awake (this is Jess). I'll write my comments in red.
Yesterday we had our cooking class and it was great, much more hands on than our class in Italy last year. There were 10 of us in the class and even one girl from Saskatchewan who Jess immediately bonded with , of course. We cooked for just over 2 hours then sat down to eat the 5 courses we had prepared. The lady who runs the course is from Holland was trained at Le Cordon Bleu in France, worked at the St. Regis in New York, helped open the Four Seasons George V in Paris (probably the nicest hotel in Paris) and then ran a hotel here in Istanbul for 11 years and now just runs the cooking school. My favorite dish was the pan fried (of course) zuchini pancakes and the eggplant stuffed with tomatoes and onions....actually it was all really tasty... even the lamb in grape leaves.
I'm pretty sure, in a former life, the lady ran an all girls school or something. She didn't mess around. We were at a table with a mother and son, all on 'tomato duty.' She walked up to the mom and sternly said "What are you doing? These are huge." She then went on to loudly call out that she needed a volunteer to come and fix these tomatoes." The mom just sat there stunned. It was hilarious in that 'It's funny cause it isn't me' kind of way.
Notice how he describes taking a nap as 'wasting time.' Do you see what I have to work with people. Never ending.
In the evening we went to watch the Whirling Dervishes (as seen in Madonna's Bedtime Stories video *thank you Patrick*, and on The Amazing Race *do you remember that mom?*). Those suckers whirled non-stop for over half an hour. (Boooooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiinnnnngggggg) I kept waiting for one of them to put on the brakes bend over and hurl. To be honest there is not much to it but just whirling and after 5 minutes and 20 photos we were ready to slip out (but didn't). Nope, we sure didn't. We sat there and listened to the *lovely* traditional music which was about 75% of the show. Traditional TURKISH music. Cymbals, warbling voices, glorified recorders. It was wonderful... cough, cough. I'm SO BUMMED we forgot to buy their C.D. on the way out.
Tomorrow we move to the Four Seasons on the Bosphorus which just opened one month ago. The hotel looks amazing as it is perched right on the ocean with an infinity pool and a gorgeous outdoor terrace. I hope it lives up to expectations. Apparently we are supposed to relax while we there (hi Tracy). Ya... Here's my opportunity to relax. I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to do that, walking around with my rolls cinched into the ridiculous bathing suit I bought (only one I could find the day before we left... purple horizontal stripes) but I'm certainly going to give it a go.
Are those the eggplants? They looked like some sort or weird large chops or something steak-ish. And the nipply looking things, what was that?
I would be relaxing-lounging, drinking that damned $18 beer and sucking down lavish snacks to go with it!
Only Ryan would consider a nap wasting time, not!
Food all sounds yummy, except the lamb.
Think I vaguely remember the Whirling Dervishes on the amazing race, such a good show! Watching Big Brother now, or would be if I wasn't typing this.
Oh hooray, can't wait for the Turkish Bath stories, and please a picture of Jess in that stripped bathing suit.
Gucci Muse: They're stuffed eggplants. They looked a lot more pretty before they were cooked. And the nipply things are little cakes that, I'm guessing, are about 2,000 calories each (when they're hot, you pour hot syrup over them until they are completely saturated).
Mum's the Word: You think you're going to see a picture of that? Not a chance in hell!
i know what i want next time you invite us over for dinner!!! looks tasty. i can just tell by looking at the pics how hot it is. that hazzy hot look that the city has... guh! your new hotel CLEARLY looks like a downgrade... *d
I have learned to come to this blog and expect either mind-blowing hotel photos or a lesson in international McDonald's franchises.
And I love it.
That food looks naughty.
Dalyn: Sure thing. Turkish food the next time you come over. I'll have to figure out where to find goat hooves for the stock. Not kidding. Found that juicy bit out after lunch, thank god.
Melissavina: Ahhh, the dicodomy of taking a McTurcoRidingTheBulletTrain in a glamorous toilet.
that new hotel looks absolutely divine! i'm so jealous!! enjoy! i can't wait to see a post after you've gotten settled in.
- angie, formerly of "domestically disabled girl"
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