So, obviously, we had our Turkish bath experience. It was like nothing else I have ever done before and I think I'm O.k. with that. At 8 a.m., we walked to the Cover Bazaar and Cagaloglu Hamam not sure what to expect. Ryan's stress level was now at an all time high and I'm pretty sure he just wanted to get it over with. We entered the Hamam after walking down a short flight of stairs and found ourselves in some sort of grand room (pictured below - if you go to their website that I linked, you'll find better pictures of the actual building. We couldn't exactly take our camera in because of the humidity and besides, there was only one place to store it and it wasn't going to happen, if you get my drift).
We sat down on a marble riser that was about 6 inches off the ground. We're talking knees by your ears kind of sitting down... in a short towel... you would not have been wanting to sit across from us. The men poured water over our heads and started to exfoliate our entire bodies with their hand scrubbers. Indeed, they got all of the dead skin off... and I'm pretty sure they sandpapered off most of my nipples as well. They had no problem reaching up under the towels either... dangerously close to stripping the bark off of my twig and berries. They continued with the soap, which was administered with a octopus-looking luffa, and then rinsed us off.
Here's where my experience differed from Ryan's. Every time my dude ran his scrubber down a part of my body, he let out a moan that sounded not unlike he was climaxing. It was especially disturbing when he was lifting up my boobs to scrub underneath them and I got the moan, combined with the blast of Turkish tobacco breath. Don't get me wrong, this was as un-sexual an experience as you can get. I'm just having trouble interpreting it.
Before our helpers (ewwww... I'm not sure what to call them. Everything sounds so dirty) left, they were quick to deliver the one English phrase they had mastered. "Tip Please." We were then ordered to take off the wet towel, and they cinched up a dry one so tight that it acted as a bustier. Just what I needed (see picture above). We then went back to our lockers and saw ourselves out.
Just opened up your blog, had a mouth full of coffee, and just about spit it all out when the first thing I saw was Jess with his "turban" on. Then I quickly scroll down, and who should I see, Ryan. Must go back & read about it. Funny pixs.
That was tears running down my face FUNNY. You both look so excited to be there... Oh well now you can say you have experienced a Turkish Bath, how many others can say that.
Now Ryan will understand MY stress level, remember, Eco-tour/zipline.
Can't wait to see your new room....
that was seriously hilarious. you suffered just to amuse us, and I'm very touched.
I can only imagine the laughter you both were trying not to burst out with... and the horror, and the combination of the two. I am so thankful that you went through with this. Please consider expanding this topic just a bit and submitting it to a magazine.
I love you forever for posting those pics! Now Day and I just have to get together with some crafting supplies.... I am also very relieved to hear that I am not the only one who has had one weirdo experience in a Turkish bath. At least you have fresh pink skin to tan?
Ok--I'm sitting here at my desk, with the entire clinic staff wondering where the gasp came from.
Mum's The Word: After making fun of you 200 feet up in those trees, here you went and got the last laugh.
CDP: Well, that's good. It makes me feel marginally better that I didn't expose my breasts for nothing.
Melissavina: Good thought. Have any connections?
Emily: Hmmmm... modge-podged footstool perhaps?
Patrick: It can't have been louder than the gasps we let out when we got dressed and actually saw the pictures of ourselves, knowing that we'd have to put them online.
I can't believe it-the moaning and groaning-I was grossed out just reading it-and imagining his hand between your legs-just, eww. I can't imagine what they would do to women.
I was also wondering why they gave you dishrags to cover your bottoms, but regular towels to cover you head in a Sphinx style.
Ah, the new hotel...........
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