If you've stayed at a Four Seasons hotel before, you are officially 'on file.' If you've requested extra firm pillows at a Four Seasons in Budapest, you will automatically have extra firm pillows in your room when you check in to a Four Seasons in Vancouver, a year later. Pretty amazing when you think about it. I can't wait to get to our next hotel and not even have to ask for the litre of ketchup to come to the table with every meal. Like Ryan mentioned before, the hotel chain has everything meticulously placed in identical fashion from room to room. Personally, I wouldn't notice most of it. I wouldn't even clue in to a thing like the pillows. I'd just notice that the bed was comfy.
Not Ryan. He notices everything. I got commentary on how the Q-Tips were arranged identically in this hotel compared to the last one. So, yesterday as Ryan was inspecting the room after it had been serviced, I heard a little, evil 'Ah HA!' as if he had caught someone doing something bad. Here's how the flashlight, inside one of the nightstand drawers is supposed to be placed:
That was such a funny piece, laughed so hard!
Are you staying with 4 Season's at every place you are going? I certainly did not know that
about the hotel chain, good on them!
Ryan abviously has moments of boredom, hence trying to trick the staff.
Free meal PLUS no tip for the housekeeper!
Mum's the Word: Not every place... just the places that have them :) Poland and Germany don't have one.
Dalai Mama: Exactly. Standard.
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