So I never thought I would ever say this but I am loving just chilling out and relaxing. Sleeping in until 6 am, laying in bed and watching BBC (hmm, let's see what Barack is up to today), leisurely breakfast oceanside, beers by the pool as we read our books, lunch by the pool, more laying by the pool, a glamour dinner in the hotel. We have no desire to leave the hotel property this place is just so perfect. We ventured out for an hour yesterday to try do some shopping and couldn't wait to get back to the tranquility of this place.
The book that Jess recently finished reading and the one I am currently reading is this one:

I am going out on a limb here but I would guess that HSJ readers and commenters Melissavina and Dayln would enjoy this little read, in fact, they probably could have written it. Jess and I also relate to Miss Handler. This little passage certainly hit a nerve with Jess and I and our different philosophies of travel:

One more night here before we head off to Budapest tomorrow. We don't fly out until 4 pm tomorrow so still some time to chill tomorrow.
Here are a couple of picks taken last night after dinner:

Oh Lord, when I was reading that paragraph in the book, our Baltic Cruise flashed in front of me. THAT'S OUR RYAN! and i am so happy to hear you actually say the words or write the words "relax". Maybe with "40" comes stepping back & just enjoying life at a leisurely pace.
I love Chelsea Handler. She is a riot.
I bet that book is a riot!
Beautiful photos. I'm glad you guys are in relax-mode and enjoying yourselves. I'm looking forward to Budapest!
Hi Boys! Just returned from a three day kayak adventure off the Sunshine Coast. The upgraded "camping" accommodations on a 50ft yacht made the "roughing it" aspect tolerable! lol Enjoying your blog immensely!! Jess - have a burnt martini with triple olives "turkish style" for me! Cheers! :o)
Mum's the Word: Don't get ahead of yourself. I have a feel the dial is going to be turned to 'warp speed' as soon as we hit Hungary.
Jay: This is the first thing of hers I've read/seen. Will have to do a bit of investigating when I get home.
Dalai Mama: I've been thinking of you this whole trip... every time there is some weird food I've never heard of. The breads here are amazing.
Kayakgirl: That's my girl. I was wondering what the hell you were doing going out into the wilderness without a Winnebego, equipped with full kitchen, full bath and satellite TV. Now I see why you agreed. Still haven't had the martini but I'll get on it in Budapest. Hopefully liquor isn't as expensive there.
"Hey, Asshole..." can totaly hear jess uttering these words. have fun in Hungary!
Zoltan says, a common Hungarian greeting that's easy to remember is...
Ma pene (pee-na) vizas (vee-sash)
have fun! *dalyn
I love that book and now must find it and read it all.
I just went camping and spent all day Saturday laying around doing nothing, it was fantastic... albeit a slightly different sort of relaxing from what you're experiencing but still. I was drinking.
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