Monday, July 20, 2009

For Real

No, we're not kidding. More info to come... we're going out to celebrate.


Anonymous said...

Holy Shit you guys!! I am soooo happy for you both! and if those are Louis Vuitton Rings, you guys are dead!!!! Stunning!! SO excited!! Have a great rest of your trip, will keep checking for more updates!

cutes said...

that was my comment b4, sorry hee hee oops!

Mom said...

Oh my God, I am giddy with excitement, I can hardly type.

You better not be kidding!

I will be checking in here every 1/2 hour for the update....

*dalyn said...

i KNEW IT!!!!! yeah!!!!!! can't wait to give you both hugs and kisses! congrats you two!!! *d

Mom (again) said...

OK, I have settled down abit.

Those are some fantastic looking rings.Oh my God, I cannot wait, hurry up & get back to post.

Melissavina said...

Can't wait for the details. I want to stand next to Dalyn in your wedding, only because I'd look like and oompa loompa next to her and I think that would be funny.

Hooray you two!!!!!

Unknown said...

Yay! So excited and happy for you both!
Love this.

Susan Chipley said...

I've got chills right now! So happy for you two!

*dalyn said...

WAIT - does this mean i FINALLY get to meet Melissa!??

Mom said...

No wait, does this mean I get to finally meet Jesse's two best friends....Dalyn & Melissa.
Sorry guys, this is no longer about you, but who we can all finally meet.

*dalyn said...

i agree Mom! i've heard so many wonderful things about you! *d

Melissavina said...

Seriously, I've never even met RYAN!! This wedding is going to be one giant party. I promise to do the robot center stage. Promise!!

Unknown said...

Ahhhh! Congratulations to both of you! Love and hugs to you both!

Unknown said...

I turn my back for one weekend and then suddenly exciting things like this happen. I am overjoyed for the two of you. Hugs and kisses and wine and chocolate all round!

Auntie said...

I am so happy for the both of you this brought tears to my eyes. You know me and weddings Love you guys Congratulations! I will keep checking to read the updates, how exciting

Emily said...

WOO HOO!! How perfect - LV rings and a proposal in gay Paris! Big hugs and cheers when you return...

Dad & Mom said...

Hey Jesse and Ryan.........Dad and I are very happy for you guys. We love you both very much and can see how happy you are together. Its been quite the adventure for our family and we are so happy for Ryan to join it. Ryan, you are such a great guy and you've made Jesse's life happy and content. We love you, come home Dad and Mom M

Gucci Muse said...

I only follow your blog after I found it last year and this is so beautiful! Congratulations!

I am so retarded, I would never know those were LV rings-I just liked them!