We woke up this morning at 6:00 a.m. to get on the road as soon as possible. We had about an 800 k.m. drive ahead of us and wanted to get going. We left Bordeaux for Nice at about 7:15 a.m. and put the pedal to the metal... literally. The speed limit on the freeways here is 130 km/hour. On average, I had the cruise control set at 143 km/hour. I'm not sure if being allowed to drive more quickly was a good thing or bad thing. Yes, we got here a couple hours before we would have with North American speed limits, but our experience with French drivers made the trip... well, interesting. We've found that a lot of drivers leave their blinkers on at all times whether changing lanes or not, if in fact they are only in one lane. I was never sure if I was going to hit someone or be hit. We all moved like a school of fish. We also drove through about 100 k.m. where the electronic signs warned of 'Vent Violent' (violent winds). Needless to say, I am treating myself to a pair of fresh underwear tomorrow.
We also didn't realize how expensive driving would be in Europe. When we thought of driving, we really only thought about the car rental and the fuel. This seemed like a far better option when considering running around with all of our luggage from train to train, cabs, flights, etc., especially if it was all going to cost the same. I think on our drive today, the tolls alone (which are everywhere!) totalled just over $100. We also didn't factor in parking at the hotels. The last hotel was $45/night. Barf. We could have parked it ourself but after the Bordeaux posting, you know why we didn't. I also can't imagine looking for an impounded rental car in a foreign country where you don't know the language.
After a mess of traffic and winding roads, we found our hotel. We're staying at the
Hotel Palais de la Mediterranee. I couldn't have been happier to fall onto the bed (Um... for the record... I have done all the driving so far). Ryan feels that his services are best used as DJ for the trips.

The hotel is quite nice. The room is huge compared to what we've been in so far. We also lucked out with the view from our room. We asked for a 'partial water view' because the cost of the 'full water view' was way higher. We ended up on the top (9th) floor and really have as nice a view as the other rooms. The hotel is quite large, which I'm thankful for. Ry likes the small ones where you can use the staff and concierge, etc. I like the HUGE ones where you can go to your room with a bag of McDonald's without anyone seeing you. This one is somewhere in the middle.

Nice is really... hot. Apparently this is quite normal and the city comes alive at night once it has cooled off. We went for an hour walk after a late lunch and got a feel for the city. Again, it feels like we're in another country: tropical, hot, and a really strong Italian influence as we are really close to Italy. We're back at the hotel room in air-conditioning for now and are waiting for the sun to go down before we go out to find dinner and see what nightlife the place has to offer. We considered tanning for awhile but were scared Greenpeace would be called to save the beached whales.
The next two full days here, we have no plans. We might take a day trip to Monaco or St. Tropez... or just read and lounge and nap... oh, well maybe one more thing...

I think I'm going to try and get Ryan to combine his three fears (ocean and heights and exposing his body in public) and do this with me tomorrow:

Hi Ryan here....not happenning.
Good to laugh with you, you funny guy you!
Thanks for posting your speeds, something a mother does not need to hear.
Jesse, how is the training going? Oh, too hot to train anyway. Must say, you guys look real good in your pictures.
Again, if I can zip, Ry you can do the parachute thingy. "Step out of the box."
Nice looks beautiful. Oh, forgot, how are Celine & Madonna enjoying the trip so far? Are they getting any air time?
Please guys, drive safe...Love ya!
Ah, another beautiful place to gaze at each other. So nice. I've got two things to say:
1. What's the deal with the little boy in the second to last picture. He's wearing only a T-shirt with sandals. Last I checked that wardrobe is only acceptable for Disney characters.
2. Steal me some soaps!
Oh c'mon, Ryzee...where's your sense of joie de vivre??? Shed thy clothes, strap up and cast thyself into the ocean breezes over the Mediterranean Sea!
Me...I'd be fully-clothed on the ground, having my lovely salade Niçoise and steak tartare. :P
Oh my, look at that beach all made of pebbles! That's not something us South Africans are used to.
Hi Mom: Of course "M" and Celine are on heavy rotation. "M" was in Barcelona last night and I am still holding a grudge about not being able to go.
Melissavina: Oh, you are so right. I guess you kind of get desensitized to the crazy way some people dress and do their hair here. Soaps have not been collectible quality so far, sorry.
Patrick: I'm scared!! Last thing I need is the ocean and my fear of heights to distract me from trying to suck in my gut!!!! Extra punctuation back at you!!!!
TEOH: Hello, nice to meet you. Yup, the beach is weird. They charge 14 Euro to use it in the day. Checked it out tonight and yup, its a field of boulders, not super comfy. Water was very warm though.
Do the parachute-y thing! After all, if they cut the engine and drop you into the water, you probably get a free enema!
Enjoyed the post today-especially the DJ and McDonald's comment-can really relate to the McDonald's comment, though I don't eat McDonalds-it would be bread and cheese or something like that if I was there.
Good thing those women are covered on the beach.
I cannot get out of my mind when I was there to see a family, husband, wife, grandmother/mother in law (old one), and one boy and one girl-all together on those horrid rocky beaches ( just like in Capri) while the wife and mother inlaw sat there without their tops. The grandmother was hard to get out of your mind and what was she thinking doing that in front of her son/son inlaw? Geesh.
you have to PAY to sit on the beach??? you should count as many people as you can and then calculate how much they made per 100 meters! caaarazy! i'll pass on the soaps, but i'll take some shampoo and conditioner. mwah! (thats french for 'kiss') *d
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