Monday, July 13, 2009

Woo Hoo! We're Here!

Well we made it to Paris and to be honest, the flights were relatively painless – more so than any other travelling we’ve done. I suppose the business class pods that have full, lie-flat beds didn’t hurt one little bit. Basically, we boarded, ate, and were both sleeping within minutes and really didn’t wake up until we arrived in Frankfurt. Of course, like any of you who have flown long flights, there comes an inevitable point where you feel like you’re coated in Chapstick and could swear your underwear are starting to disintegrate but I suppose it’s just par for the course. After a 45 minute taxi ride we made it to the hotel and took a quick nap. We’re both quite foggy and I’m pretty sure our bodies are still trying to determine whether it is a.m. or p.m.

We are staying at a hotel called Le Bellechasse Saint Germain and our room is unlike anything we have ever stayed in before. Like many of the hotel rooms in Paris, the room is quite small which we expected. What we didn’t expect was a bathtub in the bedroom and a sink right beside the bed. The only private space is the toilet which is housed in a fan-less, three foot by three foot closet. It has already been a tough decision whether or not to Tupperware the smell in the room or just kick the door open and deal with it. Ryan is devastated that for the first time ever, he forgot to bring Febreeze on our vacation. The rooms in this hotel were designed by Christian Lacroix so there is always something to look at. There is some serious potential to go cross-eyed in here.

We spent the evening going for a long walk in an effort to stay awake as long as possible to get used to the new time zone. Our hotel is right by the Musee d’Orsay and very close to the Louvre and the district of Le Marais (the gaybourhood... how can you tell?).
The last time we were here we definitely hit all of the requisite tourist stops in the city. We've decided that this time, we will take our time and go wherever we please and not be trapped on awful things like this:
We also won't be going to the Louvre this trip. We did our 45 minute rush through the museum last time, making sure we saw the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, and Winged Victory.
Hope you are all well. We are exhausted and going to bed. Tomorrow is Bastille Day and most everything will be closed. Call it a forced day of relaxation. We were hoping to load a lot more pictures and a few videos to Youtube so you could see what we're seeing but it's taking a lifetime to do either.


*dalyn said...

i can imagine you both walking into the room... Ryan dropping his bags to the ground and saying "okaaaayyyyy...." as he looks at the bed/bathroom "this is NOT what it looked like on the website."
pretty nice gig anyways! oh and if you, or anyone else is bord and wants good chuckle, please give this a listen as david sedaris explains what Bastille Day is!

Melissavina said...

I love that you have a bathtub in your room. Ah, the images I've got running through my head.

Aaanywho. I cannot wait to see the teeny car you rent.


Mom said...

Now THAT'S a room, wow! Certainly different then the norm for you.

Glad to hear you had a good flight over and taking things easy, as in relaxing.

Looking forward to the rest of the journey with you. xo

Unknown said...

J'espere que vous aurez un superbe voyage... Avez-vous une reservation a la Tour D'Argent??

Oh, si vous allez a Nice, ne manquez pas Cagnes Sur Mer (Haut Cagnes), la maison de Renoir... tres interessant!

So have fun boys!

Marc & Mike, xx

Unknown said...

That room is pretty amazing. You couldn't get me on that glass cage of a boat if you paid me.

I would probably spend all of my time inside the Louvre and not get to see anything else in the city at all.

Gucci Muse said...

What a room-and that tub-what a drag its going to be getting in and out of that thing-touching the cold clammy sides on the way in and then on the way out.........what is it with the French and bathing? :)

Unknown said...

Nothin' like a circumcised baguette to welcome you to the neighborhood! Does that bakery ship to the US?

Love the room. Enjoy every second of the trip!