Today, we were prepared for the same heat we had yesterday (it was 32 degrees and we were in jeans) and made sure to wear shorts. Note to self: check weather forecast before leaving for the day. It 16 degrees, windy, and there were torrential downpours for a lot of the day. We left for
Chateau de Chenonceau right after breakfast and though we drove in sunshine, the first droplets started falling as soon as we parked the car. I suppose there is some good and bad to having a rainy day. The last time Ryan was here he said that the lineups were ridiculously long. We basically went straight to the counter and to be honest, it was nice having a cool day. The downside was that everyone that was there crammed inside the chateau and stayed there hoping the rain stopped which it didn't. Below is a picture of Ryan in one of the kitchens looking less than impressed. We managed to pick up some really crappy, exorbitantly prices 'souvenier' umbrellas. It would have been a horrible day if we hadn't.

This chateau was built for King Henry II which he gave to his mistress. When he died in a jousting tournament in Paris, Henry's wife booted her out... to another 'less-huge' chateau overlooking the Loire River. The history is actually quite fascinating when you go into it. It's amazing how much money was spent on such a select group of people.

As soon as we were finished sloshing around the gardens, we headed for
Chateau d'Amboise Royal. It was a quick drive and we got sunhine for a majority of the time we were there. It was partially designed by Leonardo DaVinci (I just typed Dicaprio... for real) and his tomb is housed inside. There is some speculation as to whether or not he is actually in there but it hasn't stopped them from promoting it.

Once we were finished, we had lunch and learned that smoked ham is strips off of those carcass legs in the butchershop window. Dried, salty, and stringy with strips of gelatenous fat that goes clear as soon as it gets warm. We'll stick with jambon from now on.

Tonight we're heading into town for dinner. We took a look at the hotel menu and weren't prepared to pay 75 to 150 Euro per person ($120 - $240) for a menu that consisted of nothing but game and funky organ meats. Blech... wonder if there is a Domino's here that delivers? Tomorrow we're off to tour some more chateaux. Should be sunny but the umbrellas are in the trunk of the car, just in case.
Ryan, I bet you loved that ham :) The saltier and fattier the better!!
Hummmmm I hear that there is a Bachelourette Fan heading for the south of France. I was told not to devulge any info on who got the boot! My favorite is still in the running! I am a diehard fan from the beginning. Sounds like you two are having a wonderful time in spite of the rain. I was just in my second hand book store and the book you have on a Year in Provence was recomended to me. Enjoy your wonderful trip. Dalyn's Mom
That ham look pretty good-I just like ham.
That ham sounds yucky. But Ryan's pose with the umbrella is priceless.
Wow, those châteaux are amazing. Wonder if they were draughty in the winter? Da Vinci connection was particularly interesting. I must admit that scary food is the one thing that puts me off the idea of traveling around France.
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