Sunday, July 12, 2009

Notre français est la merde.

Ahhh, France. The time has come. We leave for the airport in two hours.

About 8 months ago, we spent $550 on three levels of Rosetta-Stone software so that we would be able to survive the south of France. I’ll be honest. We didn’t exactly complete all of the lessons but if we EVER need to say ‘the boy runs’ or ‘the girl drinks,’ we are prepared! The only real things we’ll have problems with are things like renting a car, getting directions, ordering in a restaurant, finding out where a bathroom is, or shopping. No big deal. We have now panicked and ordered a $10 set of lessons on iTunes to teach us basic phrases on the plane so that we can get by. Probably another waste of money now that I think about it. “Champagne before we take off, sir?”

This trip is going to be a lot different than our other ones. We’re staying in one country the entire time. We’ve rented a car for the three weeks that we are there are will be driving from destination to destination every three or four days: Paris to the Loire Valley, to Bordeaux, to Nice, to Provence, Champagne, and back to Paris. We’ve mapped it out (in side bar) and trip will have us driving 2,500 k.m. PRAY GOD they have an iPod adapter in the car because Ryan has been been furiously burning CDs just in case. So far, we have 8 hours of the French Celine Dion albums (yes, I’m embarrassed to say we own them. Don’t know what they mean, but Ryan knows the words), every song Madonna has ever recorded, and a few other little ditties that once heard, get stuck in your head for three days. This trip could go one of two ways. Best trip EVER or divorce proceedings. I'm not sure there is any in between.

I suppose I need say something about the blog header that our friend Dalyn made for us. For those of you who know and love the show Absolutely Fabulous , the header needs no explanation and you know exactly why she used it. For those of you that don't, well, let's just say there are remarkable similarities between our travel styles.


Mom said...

Once again you have me laughing so hard, probably 'cause I know your ways so well, I can visualize all of what you say.

Please, no divorce talk, don't want to hear it.

Have a great time, and I look forward to each & every post.

Love to you both!

Unknown said...

Haha! Have fun, guys - Dalyn's image is great! always been a fan of the Ab Fab girls.

T.B. said...

Darlings, it is about time this blog got up and running. I look forward to your journey and will be reading as I mutter by way through Italy without a lick of Italian! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hiya Ryan... sitting here in my garden with Tracy what a small world... just got back from Marseille myself and it was fab! Great beaches and sea food.. enjoy your trip... just a little helpful tip if you need the toilet... repeat "ou est le toilette" and when they start to tell you where look lost and point... good luck!


Patrick said...
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Patrick said...

When will you two be back in Paris? Fred and I will be in Copenhagen for a volleyball tournament at the end of July, then Paris for Aug 3-7. If the timing works out...!

Je pourrais vous aider avec le français, si vous voulez! ;)

Patrick said...
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*dalyn said...

thanks for the black eyed peas link - like i didn't already have that song stuck in my from YESTERDAY.
mwa! have fun! *d

Gucci Muse said...

So nice to be going on vacation right along with you! I can't wait!

Susan Chipley said...

Oh, you lucky guys! I spent a couple weeks in Provence after I graduated from college. We rented a really nice house near Uzes. Uzes is really cool town with an awesome outdoor market. I also recommend checking out Arles and Avignon if you have time! Of course, Nice is really awesome too.

Au revoir!

Melissavina said...

Steal me some soaps!!

Paige Jennifer said...

I went away for two weeks (London and Ireland), came home in the midst of my sister visiting with her kids and finally, earlier this week, I was back in my routine. Read: I finally logged back onto Bloglines.

What? Huh? Posts on Hop?!?!?

Yippee! And to my FAVORITE country ever. I'm so catching up on this this weekend.