Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dinner and Dancing

We went for dinner... and then we went dancing... er... I went dancing... for a brief second.


Melissavina said...

Oh my gosh, you're so cute. If I were there with you (someday I plan to come along as your nanny) I'd force you both to dance with me. We can make the kids hold the camera.

*dalyn said...

ha!!! awesome! *d

Gucci Muse said...

How cute is that? You were adorable!

It looked so fun-reminded me of when I was last in Rome, my little niece so enjoyed dancing in the street like that to the music of puppeteers.

Mom said...

You are first when I saw "you tube" clip, I wasn't going to watch it, but when I read the comments, I thought there must be more to this and sure enough, there he was, my future son-in-law..warming up for the big party yet to be decided, when?!

T.B. said...

Okay, I want to know what the bet was?

Unknown said...

Haha! What a great place.