Friday, July 24, 2009

The Locals

Well, we're off to Provence this morning. Before we left, we couldn't help but show you some of the locals. It's truly amazing. We kind of felt like assholes taking the pictures. I mean, no one noticed as we nonchalantly held the camera at our side as we looked on ahead and hoped they were in the frame but still... if I was walking around in a speedo on the beach, I wouldn't want a picture of it getting on the internet. Having said that, if I wore a speedo on the beach, I would be asking for a picture of it getting on the internet. O.k., let's get started:

We're pretty sure this woman is a permanent fixture. As in, she has never left this spot. She looked like a dark brown, well used, leather sofa. She was spread eagle right before this picture. Maybe just as well.

What you didn't see was her three year old son running beside her.

I don't know what I was so worried about.
This guy was 0% body fat and in better shape than I've ever been in. The picture doesn't really show you that he looked like he was coated in varnish.

The girls meeting in the early morning to sun their bits.

I saw these pants a lot. What's the deal? I-just-shit-my-pants chic?

I LOVED this woman. We were browsing in Louis Vuitton after dinner one night and this vision walked in. Head to toe tiger-print, super tight pants suit. After reassuring Ryan that I had the camera flash turned off I quickly snapped the camera and of course, the flash was on which reflected in every mirror. I'm glad we were by the door.

Packing heat.

I was so mad that I didn't have my camera ready so you only get a back shot. A true natural beauty.

This is pretty much how we got every picture. Ry would stand there and I would zoom as far as the camera would go and get the picture behind him. This picture in particular is worth clicking on to make it bigger, and checking it out. Shazam!
That's all for now. We'll post more once we checked in to the next hotel.


*dalyn said...

old lady: love the pearl pink nailpolish and jelly shoes

women sunning their bits: the one standing has a vauge resemblance to myself after having Graye

last picture: why the need for bikini bottoms when you've got those kazongas!?

Gucci Muse said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am back there, getting grossed out-yuck. I just don't get it. I just don't.

T.B. said...

So when I enlarged that picture I thought I was looking at a kids head while being breast fed.... You will never hear me talk about large breasts again... well, never say never!