Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lounge Singer Job From Hell

We went out for dinner tonight and it was a surreal experience. We got a restaurant recommendation from the concierge and headed out, camera in hand. Go figure that we left the memory card from the camera at the hotel room... and of ALL NIGHTS!

We opted not to sit on the terrace because of all the smokers so we sat inside... right beside the baby grand piano. Lord have mercy, it was like a budget wedding reception that would never end. Ryan told me to just get over it but if you've ever had anything to do with music, you'll understand why I couldn't. I can't really describe to you what was going on through text so I uploaded a little video to fully describe it.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are having fun, but more importantly....about us.........we are having a blast!! Kristin might not be at work when you get back...sorry :(
Our lunch was fabulous!!! We can't thank you enough....seriously it was awesome!!! Very glamorous and soooo good sushi. Thank you again soooo much!!!! that was kristin, shes drunk again.....lol
when you and Jess come for a visit, 2 things, 1. bring Kristin, and 2. we will hit Lan Kwai Fung!! you will love it.....its like an all night street party. oh wait...i forgot... Ryan, your elderly now, we'll bring Jess out instead. anyways, must go put bugs to bed...later skaters
Kristin and Miss Hart

Anonymous said...

Ouch, that would ruin my dinner especially because you went to a high end place. Was it better or worse then that piano guy on the cruise ship? But Jess, you were very good, your next career! I could hear ryan laughing in the background.
Thanks for the laugh 1st thing in the a.m. XO

Melissavina said...

Jess, if I were there and we were drunk enough we could have bumped that poor sap off his piano bench and taken over the entertainment for the night. How sweet would that have been?

Ryan, then you definitely would have noticed the music... probably because every song would be dedicated to you.

HopSkipJump said...

Miss Hart: I have been to Lan Kwai Fung and got myself into heaps of trouble. I will definitely take you up on another visit. We'll rent a wheelchair for Ry.

Mum's the Word: I'm pretty sure that 'high end' in Vancouver has a vastly different definition than it does here... and there isn't an amount of money that could tempt me into lounge singing... unless Melissavina was my partner.

Melissavina: "Cheer up Charlie... Give me a smile..."

*dalyn said...

well jess, you know me! i would have had to LEAVE. theres nothing i hate more than bad music - and sitting right beside it?? gawd that must have been PAINFUL! *d

Susan Chipley said...

Ugh! How annoying. I could, however, enjoy an evening of you singing one-liners from popular love ballads.

Paige Jennifer said...

Consider yourself forewarned: I'm officially tagging along on all of your future trips. No, seriously. I'm PISSED I missed out on shitty lounge music in a foreign land. Robbed, I say. ROBBED!

PS: I spent two weeks in Spain and Portugal and personally I found the Spanish food atrocious. It was so bad that for the five nights we were in Mallorca, we ate four dinners at an Indian place owned by a Pakistani Brit. Why only four nights? Because it took us an entire day to find it. I was ecstatic to not be eating undercooked chicken soaking in an oil bath.

Gucci Muse said...

Oh, you are so very cute-including your personality.

So how did the other diners take to the lounge singer?